Javascript is used in web
development . Initially Javascript was used as a helper in form
validations and basic mouse events handling. But the framework development took
a longer time than in other languages. In 2006 jQuery changed the way we used Javascript.
Now it was easier to do basic tasks in just a few lines, in contrast to core Javascript.
It was also slower to perform. But as soon as the web browsers started to
develop and made the web better with improvements in the newer versions. jQuery got most popular
framework and made it possible to make games, sliders, ui-effects, and
In 2009 Google took another step in
field of web development and completely changed the meaning of Javascript.
It is MV* (Model View Whatever) framework.
It works like a fake server on user frontend and handles user requests to make
a single page fully functional app. This type of framework is very useful and
has major advantages such as it reduces server requests for each page, thus
saving server bandwidth and another major advantage is fast page views because
there is no need to get complete page from server each time. We only need JSON
formatted data as response, which usually results in saving huge bandwidth.
(eg. A typical JSON response is 0 to 5kB only)
As the technology advances we can
expect more life changing experiences in web technology. AngularJS, Node.JS are
one of them.
Er. Davinder Singh
STEP Consultancy
Er. Davinder Singh
STEP Consultancy
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