
There is a common phrase that “ A coin has two sides” ,but  in the case with the computer technology one difference is there  that android has covered the both sides of the coin alike. The ever growing technology does not let us to be free from our technological dependence. The Android has infinite number of user friendly and easy to use applications. Android is a flexible platform to walk on. Android enables multi-users to tread along parallel paths simultaneously that let the diameter of earth shrink so that we can travel easily in no time.The free to use applications for all categories like sports, entertainment, tour & travelling, religion etc attract more and more people to enjoy a common interface that enables all to remain connected. The technological make up of Android provides multiple options for the user to connect with the web all the time that is as important as food to the hungry one.

            The technological features and applications curtail the unnecessary physical movements of users as everything is at our door step now. Android is attaining the number one position in the field E-commerce. Many different MNCs are adopting this for the market surveys for their product and to keep track and remain ahead of their competitors. This is a boom for the entrepreneurs as it gives all the information about share market, while being at work. No undue effort is necessary .The fragrance of Android is getting spread in this technological era day by day and it stimulates the movement of the users to walk with its flow and reach the destination. 

 Android Training in Ludhiana

Er. Nipun Sharma
STEP Consultancy

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