Thursday, 12 June 2014

Importance of Caching

Cache is very important in large and time consuming applications. There are many examples of applications that employ caching mechanism, In those applications the time consumed at providing results, that are not frequently changed are displayed faster, by reducing or skipping the procedure to again calculate the results.

In web applications, Magento employs template and data caching so that template files are not to be complied each time, thus improving the page load time. There is also another example, phpBB that is forums application. It compiles the view files and converts to php code and then caches them for faster response.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Multi Platform or Platform Independent Softwares

There is small difference between platform independent and multiplatform softwares. Multiplatform softwares are those softwares that are capable of running on multiple platform configurations, and platform independent softwares are actually softwares running on the multiplatform softwares.

For example java is multiplatform software. Softwares built using java are platform independent because they only need java either it is running on windows or linux or a mac. We can have advantage of platform independent softwares, so that we do not need to rebuild the software for other platforms also.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Importance of Versioning and Version Control Systems

In web project development, there is always existence of changes in files. These changes could be either development or bug fixes or any additional features requested by the client or project manager. The developer is always in the process of changing files or creating files. But problem arises when there are more than one developer working on the  same project. We need to keep them in sync of each other so that changes made by one are not overwritten by another developer. We also need to track the changes if something bad happens.

     Here comes the importance of versioning of files. There are many version control systems available to keep track of these changes. These systems help maintaining the changes and the lines of code added, edited or removed on each sync. Development is made easier  and we can keep track of the changes also. There are many other benefits of using these systems. So, every developer should practice version control for his project(s).

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Game vs App Developers

The field of development has gained much appreciation so far. It is field of development, that has made huge things possible in simple clicks. And example is the device you are reading this on. App development requires logic implementation. It takes take to learn how to implement logics correctly. But Game Development requires brainstorming of ideas and logics. It also make developer have fun while working. So every developer should try to make a game in his lifetime. It would take almost every aspect of programming and result will be, a better programmer.